Lily May Filmer
ANGEL - Forever 9
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Lily passed away on 5th September 2020. She was cancer free when she died.
Lily was diagnosed in 2017 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and completed a two and half year chemo treatment plan. Lily had a bone marrow transplant in May 2020 following a relapse. The treatment caused Lily to suffer brain damage and took her away from us, at the age of 9.
Lily always enjoyed arts and crafts. Her favourite was building play mobile and Lego. She loved play-do and painting too.
The art work I have submitted was Lily’s last painting before she passed away. She did this for my birthday and is treasured always! I imagine Lily in the stars, in a sky of her favourite colour, being free.
FACEBOOK @Lily's Freedom Fight
Stars in the sky