“All Hope activities are effective in their own right, when combined together they form a powerful intervention”

“All Hope activities are effective in their own right, when combined together they form a powerful intervention”
Our products and services are based on scientific research from the disciplines of positive psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness. Our research partner is Coventry University where Professor Andy Turner and his team have been developing and evaluating self-management interventions for over 25 years.
Several studies have shown that the Hope Programme courses improve positive mental wellbeing, confidence, gratitude and hope whilst also reducing depression and anxiety.
Wright H, Martin F, Clyne W, Clark C, Matouskova G, McGillion M, Turner A. A Digital Self-management Program (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively) for People Living With Cancer: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial J Med Internet Res 2021;23(11):e28322 URL: https://www.jmir.org/2021/11/e28322 DOI: 10.2196/28322
Martin F, Wright H, Moody L, Whiteman B, McGillion M, Clyne W, Pearce G, Turner A. Development and Evaluation of a Digital Self-Management Programme: iHOPE for Cancer Survivors. J Med Internet Res 2020;22(5):e17824 URL: https://www.jmir.org/2020/5/e17824 DOI: 10.2196/17824 PMID: 32209529 PMCID: 7268001
Pearce, G, Pezaro, S, Parsons, J, Turner, A, Gill, P, Norris, T. Successes and challenges in the implementation of the HOPE self-management programme for people living with and beyond cancer. November 2018, British Journal of Cancer, DOI: 10.1038/s41416-018-0299-z
Lynn Batehup; Katerina Porter; Heather Gage; Peter Williams; Peter Simmonds; Elizabeth Lowson; Lynne Dodson; Nicola Davies; Richard Wagland; Jane Winter; Alison Richardson; Andrew Turner; Jessica Corner. Follow-up after curative treatment for colorectal cancer: longitudinal evaluation of patient initiated follow-up in the first 12 months. Supportive Care in Cancer Support Care Cancer. 2017 Jul;25(7):2063-2073. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3595-x. Epub 2017 Feb 14.
Whiteman, B., Grant-Pearce, C., Cooper, L., & Turner, A. (2015). Surviving cancer: pilot of a web-based self-management support programme, eHOPE. The Lancet,386, S7. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00845-4
Moody, L, Turner, A, Osmond, J, Kosmala-Anderson, JK, Batehup, L. (2014) Web-based self-management for young cancer survivors: Consideration of user requirements and barriers to implementation. J Cancer Surviv. 2015 Jun;9(2):188-200. doi: 10.1007/s11764-014-0400-4. Epub 2014 Sep 19.
Martin, F, Turner, A, Bourne, C , Batehup. Development and Qualitative Evaluation of a Self-Management Workshop for Testicular Cancer Survivor-Initiated Follow-Up. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2013 Jan;40(1):E14-23. doi: 10.1188/13.ONF.E14-E23.
Kim Bul, Hayley Wright, Faith Martin, Gemma Cartwright, Cain Clark, Wendy Clyne, Gabriela Matouskova, Andy Turner Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial of the online Hope Programme for Parents of Autistic Children during COVID-19; EHPS 2021, 35th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (August 23 – August 27, 2021)
Martin, F., Pearce, G., Clyne, W & Turner A. Self-management support intervention for parents of children with developmental disorders: The role of gratitude and hope. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(4), 980-992 (2019) doi 10.1007/s10826-018-01308-1
Martin, F., Clyne, W & Turner A. Initial feasibility of a digital Self-management intervention for Parents of Children with Autism spectrum conditions (2020), under review
Turner, A & Martin .F. Spreading HOPE (2017). The Development of a Hope-Based Self-Management Intervention in. Matz, E ( Eds) Promoting self-management of chronic health conditions: Theories and practice. Oxford University Press 58-79.
Martin, F. Self-Management of HIV. Matz, E ( Eds) Promoting self-management of chronic health conditions: Theories and practice. Oxford University Press 360-381.
Turner A, Anderson JK, Bourne C, Wallace LM. (2015) An evaluation of a self-management programme for patients with long-term conditions. Patient Educ Couns. 2015 Feb;98(2):213-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2014.08.022. Epub 2014 Oct 22.
Martin F. Wait-list control study of a digital CBT informed self-management intervention for Long COVID; 51st BABCP Annual Conference (July 2023)
Wright H, Turner A, Ennis S, Percy C, Loftus G, Clyne W, Matouskova G, Martin F. Digital Peer-Supported Self-Management Intervention Codesigned by People With Long COVID: Mixed Methods Proof-of-Concept Study. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Oct 14;6(10):e41410. doi: 10.2196/41410. PMID: 36166651; PMCID: PMC9578526.
Percy C, Turner A, Orr C. Developing a Novel Web-Based Self-Management Support Intervention for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Mixed Methods Study With Patients and Health Care Professionals. JMIR Form Res. 2024 Mar 7;8:e52427. doi: 10.2196/52427. PMID: 38451567.
Martin, F., Turner, A., Wallace, L. M., Bradbury N. (2013) Conceptualisation of self-management intervention for people with early stage dementia. Eur J Ageing. 2012 Nov 7;10(2):75-87. doi: 10.1007/s10433-012-0253-5. eCollection 2013 Jun.
Martin, F., Turner, A., Wallace, L.M., Choudhry, K.& Bradbury, N. (2012) Perceived Barriers to Self-Management for People with Dementia in the Early Stages. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 12 (4): 481-493.DOI: 10.1177/1471301211434677
Martin, F., Turner, A., Wallace, L. M., Stanley, D., Jesuthasan, J., & Bradbury, N. (2015). Qualitative evaluation of a self-management intervention for people in the early stage of dementia. Dementia (London). 2015 Jul;14(4):418-35. doi: 10.1177/1471301213498387. Epub 2013 Aug 12.
Kosmala-Anderson, J Turner, A. & Clyne, W. (2016) Evaluation of the effectiveness of HOPE self-management programme for people living with multiple sclerosis. Disabil Rehabil. 2017 Jun;39(11):1114-1121. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2016.1181211. Epub 2016 Jun 9.
Russell S, Martin F, Zalwango F, Namukwaya S, Nalugya R, Muhumuza R, et al. (2016) Finding Meaning: HIV Self-Management and Wellbeing among People Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147896. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0147896
Hergenrather KC, Geishecker S, Clark G, Rhodes SD. (2013) A pilot test of the HOPE Intervention to explore employment and mental health among African American gay men living with HIV/AIDS: results from a CBPR study. AIDS Education and Prevention: AIDS Educ Prev. 2013 Oct;25(5):405-22. doi: 10.1521/aeap.2013.25.5.405.
Martin F, Caramlau IO, Sutcliffe P, Martin S, Bayley J, Choudhry K. Self‐management interventions for people living with HIV/AIDS. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD008731. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008731.
Andy Turner , Alba X. Realpe , Louise M. Wallace , Joanna Kosmala-Anderson , (2015) A co-produced self-management programme improves psychosocial outcomes for people living with depression. Mental Health Review Journal, Vol. 20 Iss: 4, pp.242 – 255 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/MHRJ-05-2014-0017.
McGillion HM, Turner A, Carroll S, Furze G. Busse J, Lamy A. Optimizing Self Management to Reduce Chronic Pain and Disability after Cardiac Surgery. March 2015Br J Cardiol 2015;22:38. doi:10.5837/bjc.2015.011
Wright, H., Walker-Clarke, A., Drummond, A. et al. Self-directed versus peer-supported digital self-management programmes for mental and sexual wellbeing after acquired brain injury (HOPE4ABI): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud 9, 194 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-023-01421-z
Horton E, Wright H, Turner A, Moody L, Aphramor L, Lynall A, Ghiasvand H, Palmer S; Does a Digital Self-Management Programme Prepare Patients for Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery: A Pragmatic Mixed Methods Pilot Study; JMIR Preprints. 01/11/2024:68286; DOI: 10.2196/preprints.68286; URL: https://preprints.jmir.org/preprint/68286