Felt down on the third Monday of January? You're not alone - it's known as Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year. Our Hope Monday, a free, expert-led wellbeing webinar presented strategies for improving your health and beating the winter blues.
My Cancer Journey - Art in the Park
Pass The Smile for Ben, have organised an art exhibition My Cancer Journey - Art in the Park - encouraging children, parents and artists with a connection to childhood cancer to share their stories in a creative way. The exhibition now goes on tour.
Hopepunk Exhibition
Taking place in Coventry City of Culture 2021. Hopepunk celebrates hope in the face of difficulty and uncertainty, showcasing the creativity of Hope Programme participants.
Living with Endometriosis
A photovoice exhibition by Clair Dempsey, researcher from Coventry University, showcasing the experiences and coping strategies of those living with the invisible burden.
From Despair to Hope
A typographic artist book by Oluwadamilola o. Akinbote that uses both book form and content to narrate a journey from the Despair of cancer diagnosis to living a life of Hope as a cancer survivor.
Writing gyms
Creative writing for parents of autistic children. Part of the build up to Coventry's City of Culture 2021 we organised writing gyms in partnership with Theatre Absolute.
In the Hope of…
2D hand-drawn animation based on a poem "Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow" by Sue Mason, cancer survivor and Hope facilitator.
Gratitude wall
Our award winning community art project inspired by our research that shows that expression of gratitude improves mental health, resilience and builds friendships.
Hope PCOS Paint and Sip
Community event to raise awareness about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and its impact on underserved communities with high rates of the condition.
We are proud for HOPE culture and arts playing a part in improving people’s health and wellbeing.