Tips on how to keep going with online learning
“Such a worthwhile investment in time. I have taken so much away from this course and feel I am in a better place than I was six weeks ago. I still have a long way to go, but I have a better understanding of why I feel the way I do, and now I have the toolkit to help reframe that into something more positive.”
There are many great things about the online Hope Programme – it is free, you can learn at your own pace and there is no real pressure. But we know that things can change quickly and life often gets in the way of what you want to do.
We know that people who access at least 3 sessions of the Hope Programme improve their wellbeing.
We want everyone to get the most out of the course, so we asked Hope participants who completed the course to share few tips on how to keep going with online learning.
David says: Make the time
“My life revolves around caring for my wife. I really wanted to give this course a go. I knew I needed a routine and time set aside to do it. At first, I was not sure what goal to set, so I set it around doing the course. I even put a note on the fridge to remind me. It kept me motivated and I treated myself to a reward when I completed each session as a little celebration!”
Having time that’s been properly set aside for Hope will help you feel like more of a commitment that you can’t skip. Make sure you also fit in plenty of breaks so your brain and eyes can get some rest.
Don't forget to celebrate your learning triumphs, you deserve it!
Mike says: Fit it around your lifestyle
“It was wonderful to have access to this course in my own home at my own pace so I could do as little or as much as I wanted each day. I also downloaded the App so that I could read, watch and listen when I was on the go. I did the breathing exercise just before I went in before my treatment and it calmed me down. And I snapped a picture of me coming out from hospital and posted it as a gratitude. Thought it may help others too."
You can access the Hope Programme from desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Add the link to your favourites on your computer. App like shortcuts are a great way to quickly access the Hope Programme on your smart devices. Instructions how to do it can be found in the course Frequently Asked Questions under Navigation tips.
Anna says: Do not worry about falling behind
"I did my best to keep up with the weekly sessions, but due to a flare-up one week, I slipped behind. It was good to know, that I could catch-up. I took notes in my special Hope notebook as I went through the course and when I felt too tired to go on, I bookmarked the pages I wanted to look through in more detail. Having access after the course finished was great and I still go back from time and continue keeping my notes to refresh my memory."
We know that people who access at least 3 sessions of the Hope Programme improve their wellbeing. You can easily access all open sessions by clicking on the Course icon at the top.
Sunairah says: Connect with others
"They say ...A problem shared, is a problem halved, right! It was good to know I was not alone in the way I am feeling. I did not share much but when I did it was nice to read other people's comments and experiences. I often went back to the discussion topics and forums to see what tips I can pick-up from others. It made me feel connected - even though we never met!"
There are many ways to connect with other on the course. Under the Community icon you can read about other participants, the group's latest activity and have discussions to help each other on the Forum. You never know - you may even be from the same town! Reach out safely to others by sending them a private message.
Who knows, you may start as strangers but end up as friends!