Hope in a crisis
Read the full journal article via PubMed.gov
Development and Evaluation of a Digital Self-Management Programme: iHOPE for Cancer Survivors
Authors: Faith Martin, PhD; Hayley Wright, PhD; Louise Moody, PhD; Becky Whiteman RN, MA; Michael McGillion, PhD; Wendy Clyne, PhD; Gemma Pearce, PhD; Andy Turner, PhD.
“Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
People living with cancer face many challenges, including fear of cancer recurrence, depression, anxiety and hopelessness. Coventry University, Hope For The Community CIC and Macmillan Cancer Support developed and tested a six week, online peer delivered, self-management courses called the Hope Programme. The course is underpinned by positive psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy and aims to improve the knowledge, skills and confidence of people living with cancer to self-manage their health.
Macmillan Cancer Support recruited over 100 people living with cancer to the course. Participants completed outcome measures before and after the course. The study found that participants’ depression, anxiety, fatigue and fear of cancer recurrence decreased and their positive mental wellbeing, hope and gratitude all increased. Over 90% of participants found the course easy to navigate, well supported by the peer facilitators and the social networking tools useful.
“I have gained a more positive perspective. The course has given me strategies to help me to deal with my situation when I feel stressed or have a dark day. Hearing other people’s stories have made me realise I’m not alone and I have drawn strength . I felt empowered taking charge of my actions and making goals for myself. The course made me focus on my health .”
The findings are extremely promising, showing that an online peer-delivered self-management programme can help with cancer-related quality of life and mental wellbeing outcomes.
COVID-19 response
In response to the pandemic Macmillan Cancer Support are running number of courses to support people living with cancer. 160 people have signed up in just over a week!
Hope for people living with Cancer in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support is available on a range of dates - 04/05/2020 and 01/06/2020 with further dates scheduled to meet the demand. Sign-up here
Would the Hope Programme benefit your organisation?
We have developed a self-directed version of the Hope Programme course which will enable organisations to provide online support to thousands of their clients. If you are an organisation who would like to refer a full cohort of people onto a course or have Hope tailored to your needs, please get in touch.
Whilst there is alarm and anxiety, let’s work together to spark resilience, spread calm, kindness and Hope. Stay safe, stay home.