Ruby Fuller
ANGEL - Forever 18
Acute lymphoblastic T-cell non Hodgkins lymphoma relapsed as leukaemia
Ruby was 17 when she started to feel unwell and was eventually diagnosed with T-cell non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She had 10 months of intensive treatment, but the cancer was too aggressive and very sadly she died in May 2020.
Ruby was kind and smart and funny. And so brave! She asked to be remembered by the motto Live Kindly, Live Loudly.
We carry her in our hearts and fundraise in her memory to support research to find better blood cancer treatments. She is forever loved and forever missed.
Ruby was a keen artist. She did GCSE art, and her sketchbooks are now one of our most treasured possessions, full of her personality and creativity. She’d be so chuffed to know that her work was going to be on display as part of this exhibition! To mark what would have been her 21st birthday this October, we’re organising Postcards For Ruby.
INSTA + FB @livekindlyliveloudly
TWITTER @kindlyloudly
Ruby - self portrait
Ruby - lino print