Dexter Constantine Tatchell
ANGEL - Forever 7
Dexter was diagnosed with Parameningeal Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma. He was an incredibly stoic little man, and never complained despite the barbaric treatments he endured. Dexter lived life to the absolute fullest, outliving what they believed he could and he only declined in the last week of his life. He was creative and a master Lego builder, determined and so loving. It was a privilege to be loved by him because if he loved and respected you, he was the sweetest most affectionate soul but it wasn’t a given.
Dexter was a massive fan of Marvel. Iron Man and Spiderman inspired him, he’d have daily chats about what he thought they were capable of. He hated it when people referred to him as a super hero because he ‘didn’t have super powers or awesome suits’ he was too grown up to trick and talk round. His art I often thought was busy and messy like he must have felt with that cancer growing in his face, but he was so fun and abstract. With Dexter more was always more.
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