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Hope Programme for Parents, Carers and Guardians of Autistic Children (South West)

Are you a parent, carers or guardian of an autistic child?

Would you like to cope better, feel more in control of your emotions and be more resilient?

  • Hope aims to teach you how to become more relaxed, improve your confidence in setting positive goals, learn stress and fatigue management skills and explore any worries you experience.

In partnership with NHS England.

Course duration: 6 weeks. It takes upto 2 hours to complete each weekly session, which you can complete at any time which is convenient to you.

What you need: You can do the course on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. The course is not delivered in a way for people to be on “at the same time”. Like a website you go through the materials each week, but you can do this at your own pace and time that suits. Some people do chunks of 20mins some people do more or less whenever they can find the time

I have learned something from everyone, including how to be more positive and set goals to achieve more. We have enjoyed a lot of laughter and some sadness - to meet others with similar issues has been a good thing.

- Jane, caring for her autistic son

This course is now fully booked.