Mavis’s Hope story

Before Mavis joined the Hope Programme for people with MS (multiple sclerosis), she had experienced a very difficult year as she was going through the process of being diagnosed, during lockdown. “I originally just thought I’d tweaked my back or something. I was prescribed medication and saw a physio who sent for an MRI scan. A week later my GP rang and told me to go straight to hospital.


She was admitted to hospital for a lot of tests and scans, but her partner and family couldn’t visit her. Describing her MS diagnosis as “terrifying”, she, her partner and family struggled to come to terms with it, and Mavis realised that it was affecting her mental health. Her employer was very supportive, which made a huge difference.


Mavis’s MS nurse suggested the Hope Programme. “My anxiety about the course was sky high” she says. “I actually had to acknowledge that I have MS”. Mavis wasn’t sure if she could commit to the course or would want to attend the voluntary Hope Zoom cafes. So, what persuaded her? “I’d actually heard of another Hope Programme in my previous job – really positive feedback.” Realising that it might be an opportunity to meet other people with MS for the first time, she signed up for the course. “I decided that if I didn’t like it, I can just stop”.


What was Mavis’ experience with Hope? “It’s fantastic! The way it’s broken down is really good. The Ted talks and the videos work well alongside the reading.” Having experienced problems with her memory, Mavis liked being able to go back to things as she needed to.

 Mavis explains, “The Boom and Bust bit is brilliant. I’m learning to plan and pace my life around my MS – instead of booking every weekend full, I give myself a day off to recover now. It meant I prioritised going out for lunch with my Mum and Dad.” And she is still doing the Gratitude activity every day. “I’ve bought myself a book. Every day I write down at least two things to be grateful for. It’s really useful and when I’m struggling it gives me a bit of a lift”. Hope is such a positive course”


Mavis has shared a lot of the course with her partner “He’s noticed the changes in what I’m doing and how I’m feeling” she says. “And it’s free! What’s positive AND free, these days?”

MSIpek Faria